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ROG Phone II
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Forum Posts

selfie preview vs low light

I've noticed that the preview is sometimes quite far from what it will really take. Here's an exemple taken in a room with some Lightning


only rog phone 2 goes out !!!!!

Hi people I have the rog 2 and for a few days it goes off alone and I have to press the power button 10/15 seconds to turn it on and it works fine until it turns off again 10/15 hours later, I already took it to as it came from the factory And he did...

fer by Star I
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Next system update?

When we expect next system update ? asus ?? no security updates since October ???

More x mode wallpapers

I was wondering is you guys are planning on more of the wallpapers that go with the x mode.

Fingerprint bug found

The fingerprint icon should not appear until, the messege box disappears.This is on android pie, on icici mobile app.

Kunai GeForce update

I can't bind m1 or m2 when I launch steam in GeForce because kunai need a update so It can be like a normal controller!! I dident buy them for the screen touch mode i buyed them to have it like a normal controller... At least razor know what fans w...

Cenimm by Rising Star I
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Begging Asus

Sir can you add more fingerprint animations and Always on display faces so that it will be cool to use my RoG 2 for daily usage also.Please update that the notifications are not getting even I trun on the always on display

Add Kunai key remap!!

Where is the key mapning for the bottoms not for the screen touch mode?!?! Atlest i want to be able to remap the keys.

Cenimm by Rising Star I
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