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Asus why is this ON? Is Asus spying me?!

Rising Star II
I remember i turn this OFF before but it pops out again after so many hundreds of hours.
What and why it runs on background without user knowing????!!!

Rising Star II
This Screen Recorder process always start when the phone restarted. I always need to start "Screen recording" then stop it....This process will be gone. This bug exist for many version already

Rising Star II

This Screen Recorder process always start when the phone restarted. I always need to start "Screen recording" then stop it....This process will be gone. This bug exist for many version already

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Of all system application,why screen recording is still a BUG? Seriously,i hate this and it makes me feel insecure.

Community Legend I

Of all system application,why screen recording is still a BUG? Seriously,i hate this and it makes me feel insecure.

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This is a system app and they usually load in the background like any other system apps you have on ROG2. It is also the same for other phones as what most people call them as bloatware.
The time is showing from when your device was last turned on/restarted.
If it is bothering you, you can simply deny the program from accessing microphone, camera, etc. You can also restrict background usage. But remember to undo if you do decide to use.

Rising Star II

This is a system app and they usually load in the background like any other system apps you have on ROG2. It is also the same for other phones as what most people call them as bloatware.

The time is showing from when your device was last turned on/restarted.

If it is bothering you, you can simply deny the program from accessing microphone, camera, etc. You can also restrict background usage. But remember to undo if you do decide to use.

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I did restricted it 2 times before. Now it appear again and i restrict it AGAIN.

This smells like spying to me.
Btw,screen recording doesn't it sound fishy to you? Ain't you worry your banking password were recorded?