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My phone suddenly restarted

Rising Star I

My phone just suddenly restarted. Is that okay?



Hello @AlexH 

This could happen because of very different, things, including an app creating issues. Normally it is not a problem but please let me know if this happens more times as it could be something else.

Hello, @Mattias_ASUS

Today it had happened again this time my phone's screen brightness has suddenly be highest and it restarted. 

I'm not sure if it's because of the recent software updates or problem with my phone

Exactly same happened to me. My phone restarted twice now once i was using whatsapp and other time i was using youtube. Also, it always hangs when i open clash of clans i have to minimize and open game again. But with other games its not happening. I also started experiencing it after this update. Did you guys found any solution for it. Or do we need to claim a warranty?