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Very big problems in usability.

Star I
1) The first problem lies in the fact that I cannot increase the icons of the desktop application in the hotel settings.
If I try to increase the size of the icons, it starts affecting the entire phone system. THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED!
I have attached a screenshot photo, for a better understanding !


Star III
As far as I know Asus doesn't have dedicated desktop mode. If you connect phone to TV it is mirroring only. TV is only second display.

Hall of Fame I

As far as I know Asus doesn't have dedicated desktop mode. If you connect phone to TV it is mirroring only. TV is only second display.

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Pretty sure the Rog2 and Rog3 have desktop modes. Probably due to the desktop docks you could buy for them. Probably got discontinued because we cant have actual effort put into the phones.

Rising Star II
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