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Rog phone 6 not support call of duty mobile 120 fps

Star I

Is it real that rog phone 6 six no longer support 120 fos in cod mobile?


Star II

Im not longer able to find 120 fps on my phone like wtf , literally bought this phone for 120 fps !!

Star III
329 / 5.000

Rezultatele traducerii

Rezultatul traducerii

I have the same problem with rog6, and this phone was bought only to have 120FPS in this game. I'm tired of asus...with zenfone 8, rog 5 and rog 6 I had all kinds of problems. motherboard, battery, display, speakers, wifi, mobile data, camera (the phone restarts 2000 times). this time i finished with asus.1000005174.jpg

I have same problem, what it's te **bleep**ing solution? literally this phone has create to get 120 FPS. 120 FPS to 90 FPS it's disgusting 😭


Star II

heard that its a bug , if its not they are gonna loose so many customers , literally a scam and waste of money what was the use in upgrading to this phone