08-02-2022 01:08 AM
08-02-2022 11:23 PM
Jesp.rIf you can live with the colorbanding the rog3 is superior in every single way.The big question is... Is it worth a change from Rog3 to Rog6 knowing all this? In general, ignoring the color bands, I'm happy with Rog3, but it's a 3-year-old phone and the degradation is already showing... I had intended to buy Rog6, but I'm not sure... maybe the zenfone9 is a better choice . What is your opinion?
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08-03-2022 03:13 AM
08-03-2022 03:44 AM
Jesp.rHoenstly the zf9 seems like a solid device, if it doesnt dunk on itself like the zf8 its seriously not a terrible device.Do you think rog 7 will be the solution? I don't know what to think... switching to zenfone is an option that I value, but I would prefer a zenfone 9 flip... I imagine it won't take long to announce it...
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08-04-2022 05:37 AM
08-04-2022 06:33 AM
thirtySadly ASUS has downgraded the rog6, there is nothing else to say. The older Rog phones were amazing, something happened in the 2020 area where ASUS started reforming internally and now we get this crap. We are used to a certain standard, we are spoiled users that want our top notch devices back, not some half backed device that only resembles the old phones.So I just cancelled my pre-order after reading this and about the upcoming SD 8 Gen 2.
I will not switch brands because either the software sucks, the hardware is missing important stuff like the phone jack or hdmi support or they're not available outside China.
Every asus product I own has always been top notch and I'm not going to blame them for a soc that can't possibly be integrated well into a phone-sized device. I really look forward to the next iteration and hope my current device won't explode in the meantime.
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