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Re-lock bootloader

Star I

Good morning Asus,

Just out of curiousity I used the unlock tool to unlock the bootloader of my ROG Phone 6. Can you please explain to me how I can re-lock the bootloader? I hate not being able to upgrade my phone automatically.

Please, a step by step guide would be helpful. I am sure a lot of other customers would also like to know this.

Thank you!





The device can't be re-locked after unlocking it since it is detected by Google as an unsafe device.

Star I

You should check a site called XDA. XDA is also an app you can get on Google play. So, I have read on XDA that you can relock the bootloader, but I can't remember exactly where. But you should find it. Just search there. You should also install an app called Github, because there you need to download stuff to achieve locking it again.  There is by the way a site called Droidpass where you can if you where intending to Root your phone since you unlocked your bootloader, where you can extract the payload bin image to get hold of the boot image, that you can then patch with the app magisk, and then use adb commands to then complete the root process! Here is the address: