First problem is the display brightness level in the task bar this option is hard to use becouse i must slide the task bar 2 times and after this i can change screen brightnes also i change the brightnes very often i dont like to use auto brightnes and becouse of this is very anoing to use this option
Slide 1
Slide 2
Second anoing thing is in call recorder option every time when i wont to use this option i must turn it on when i make a calling in rog phone 5 was a option for automatically recording every call that i make witout need to press anything when i make a call
Third anoing this is this option
Every time when i abjust this option the settings that i apply dont stay pernament in few time animation scale go to default and this problem also was in rog phone 5 i abjust animation speed and after 1 day or more it goes to default and this is very anoing to change this option every time when go to default