06:55 AM
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04:24 PM
05-19-2022 08:42 AM
05-22-2022 02:41 PM
aaronnelsonyabsI got really scared and gave it to a company specializing in data recovery. They told me that I had a pirated version of the firmware installed, and the lags were due to that. I ended up with the original firmware, and everything worked fine, even better than when I bought the phone.Picked it up at the start of sales and was stunned by its speed, beauty, and accuracy. Used it for about 2 months without any problems or bugs. But then something strange and unusual started to happen. Some photos of songs and files that I downloaded to the phone disappeared. And I absolutely know that I have not deleted them.
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05-27-2022 06:49 AM
Gustav_ASUSrog phone 5 saya setelah update android 12 jadi ga bisa pake hedset, padahal hedset msh baru. hedset d pake k hape lain nyala, tp pas d colok d rog pphone 5 saya suara nya ga kluar. icon nya juga ga muncul. apa ini harus downgrade? buat lapor k pihak asus kmn ya biar cepet d respon. terima kasih yg sudah respon 🙏🙏Hi Zentalk,
As more and more users get their hands on the brand-new ROG Phone 5, we want to keep the forum section dedicated to technical questions and issues. General discussion threads about the ROG Phone 5 will be removed from now on and you are kindly asked to use this thread if you want to talk about the ROG Phone 5 with other users. If you encounter a bug or technical issue with your device, please create a separate thread.
As always, keep it clean and be respectful to each other. The thread will be moderated accordingly and posts that break our community rules will be removed. If you spot any bad behavior in this thread, or any other thread on Zentalk, please notify me or another moderator on our staff.
GL HF! ❤️
ROG Phone 5 Discussion Thread
06-09-2022 12:35 AM
06-09-2022 01:29 PM