05-28-2022 11:32 PM
05-29-2022 04:52 AM
05-29-2022 06:23 AM
FunBike31I also read @Sarkiri post and using profiles.But i mentioned only before replacement of motherboard mobile performance score reaches 8 lakhs points something but after replacing motherboards it not performing well only get 6 lakhs or 6.5 lakhs points reached sometimes reached 7 lakhs points.Performing device get 8 lakhs something points reached . At the time my point of view where is performing 1lakhs points is missing it's biggest problem after motherboard replacement every one suffered .Im sure about that they replaced board not performing well .some users get good performance example of you @FunBike31 .Now Antutu not installed my phone while error package problem message shows on.Because I found it the problem .Asus not installed Antutu Benchmark tests. The boards are fast cheap manufacturing at the time of wifi issue and dead issues if my question was their update was every time not good and some bugs How can I assured their phone board is good?
The user @Sarkiri explained everything to you in January and since then you have made +20 posts always with the same refrain, sorry, but enough is enough.
You post an image without indicating the parameters, so read what I did "custom hard core tuning" and play in a cold room. (what I actually did to be sure not to have to change my motherboard: ) ), in fact the governor limits the temperature to 40°, the performance then drops to 81xxxx.
In summary for the last time,
Changing the motherboard has nothing to do with performance.
ASUS destroyed the performance of the Rog 5.5s for some reason, either out of incompetence or to limit breakage, which doesn't seem to be paying off as the broken Wifi issue continues.
Governor limits CPU and GPU based on temperature
All ARmory Create profiles no longer allow you to have the performance that there was with the old firmwares
To have the best performance you have to configure all the parameters manually in Armory Create, Hardcore setting, advanced then go to the cogwheel and if my memory serves @Sarkiri shared a profile in January 2021.
For Antutu you have to make 2, Antutu Benchmark and Antutu 3DBench.
That's it, I can't do more
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05-29-2022 06:55 AM
06-28-2022 11:33 AM