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Rising Star II
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:
Model Name: rog 5
Firmware Version:.56
Rooted or not:not
Frequency of Occurrence:all the time
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):
In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc.
Its been a whe si ce I was abme to give an update. Now I ive got time, did olay games and still, disappointed. There are improvements with the. 56 update. Still the STUTTERING AND DRASTIC FPS DROPS ARE STILL HERE. IS THIS GOING TO BE FIXED? OR we just waiting for further disappointments?
Check this video and you will see.
2021-07-14-18-33-19.mp4Is there going to be a fix on this one?
Ive done everything. Reinstall the game. Factory reset phone, limiy apps and only have 3 games installed, xeny apps from auto starting in auto start manager.
No fix
@Anders_ASUS @gustafsson.richard please fix this

Rising Star I
The Only proper solution right now is back to previous firmware .47, do not update at any cost and to buy proper cooling solution, NOT ASUS ONES cause its scam! Look for blackshark or red magic fans, they all usb C and make ur phone literally cooler more than 10C while playing. ASUS scam fan best scenario is minus 3C and double price of proper fans which is ridiculous.