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Severe frame drops when using floating windows and/or twinview dock

Rising Star II
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:
Model Name: rog phone 3
Firmware Version: 18.0410.2109.172
Rooted or not: not
Frequency of Occurrence: often
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):
In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc.
Whenever i open floating windows to see like facebook or whatsapp, game behind will got frame drop, even so much that it wont moving until i touch game's screen..
Same as when i use twinview dock..
In example, when i gaming on bottom screen and then open another app on top screen, my game will lag as long as i "play" with top screen..
But if i'm back to bottom screen, lag is gone but top screen became lagging..
And vice versa, i'm back to top screen then lag is gone but bottom screen lagging again..