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ROG Phone 3 - Audio Thru Adapter Not Working After Update!!

Star II

I have the ROG Phone 3 on this update version 31.0210.0210.272

Android 12, Not Rooted

The audio thru usb-c/audio adapter stopped working after this update. I've already factory reset my phone to see if fix the issue.

On the bottom usb-c port the OEM adapter doesn't work anymore, I tested it on the side usb-c and it works. I know the usb-c on the bottom of the device still works because I can still charge and file transfer. Please fix!


Rising Star II

31.0210.0210.272 very interesting it might be because of the 272 update because asus removed the 272 update from the website

Rising Star II

Strange but I'm also on .272 and can use the audio adapter from both ports. It's completely working fine

It's the same with me, I have 272 but there was no problem, the writing is fine now, but I don't know why Asus removed the update, it's a very strange situation

It probably caused enough people to have issues which may be why they removed it.