08-14-2020 03:52 AM
08-25-2020 05:15 AM
vishal111993jainPrueba a reproducir ese video en cualquier otro teléfono...
Heavy black crush issue.... Please suggest if I should visit service center or will this be fixed OTA update. Disappointed with display.. See screen shot attached.
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08-25-2020 05:36 AM
08-25-2020 05:47 AM
CpzI also have same black crush problem and battery drain issue along with along with heating issue,asus should look into it and provide updates regarding these issues,it will very grateful.Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:
- Model Name:ROG
- Firmware Version:
- Rooted or not:not
- Frequency of Occurrence:QKQ1.200419.002. WW_Phone-17.0823.2007.25
- APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):netflix,amazon prime india ,youtube(little bit)
In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc.
I have brought device August 12 ,2020 through flipkart first sale at 6auhust. I was very happy until i open netflix ,it has vert bad black crush issue even at full brightness ,in 50pecent brightness colour washed out heavy black crush issue is this hardware or software issue??anyway im just gonna refund ....but i asked some of YouTubers they have none issue ,but for fellow customers only have this😓. I decided to live with this but some of units have no issue why i wanna live with this issue for years so i try to get refund and but 12gb varient.
In YouTube crush issue is little low when compared to netflix and amazon prime ,rather than that this dev is beast 😍
I have noticed heat in aero active coller side(40°to43°) always while playing pupg at 90hz,balanced,extream . although I'm staying in AC room 22°c all time!
ROG 3 suffers from heavy black crush issue
08-25-2020 06:12 AM
vishal111993jainSi por favor... Comparte la aplicación y la configuración por favorhttps://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/105865#Comment_105865
Please share the settings
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08-25-2020 07:10 AM