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ROG 3 suffers from heavy black crush issue

Star III
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:
Model Name:ROG
Firmware Version:
Rooted or not:not
Frequency of Occurrence:QKQ1.200419.002. WW_Phone-17.0823.2007.25
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):netflix,amazon prime india ,youtube(little bit)
In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc.
I have brought device August 12 ,2020 through flipkart first sale at 6auhust. I was very happy until i open netflix ,it has vert bad black crush issue even at full brightness ,in 50pecent brightness colour washed out heavy black crush issue is this hardware or software issue??anyway im just gonna refund ....but i asked some of YouTubers they have none issue ,but for fellow customers only have this😓. I decided to live with this but some of units have no issue why i wanna live with this issue for years so i try to get refund and but 12gb varient.
In YouTube crush issue is little low when compared to netflix and amazon prime ,rather than that this dev is beast 😍
I have noticed heat in aero active coller side(40°to43°) always while playing pupg at 90hz,balanced,extream . although I'm staying in AC room 22°c all time!


993 REPLIES 993

Star II

IDK why the users are commenting $#!t here in the forum. My display issue was resolved to a greater extent with .70 update. I always leave my refresh rate at auto, not because of black crush but because of the battery life. It's not a hardware issue, check the YouTube video on black crush by one of the user here. It's an evolving tech and since even the tech giants like Google and Samsung haven't sorted out how to correct the gamma shift with refresh rate at each brightness level, you can't expect to have 100% solution. If you think other people are stupid except you then I'll be more than happy if you could do some research and come up with a technology to sort this problem. I can assure you that Google and Samsung will be willing to pay you for that discovery.

And if you seriously hate this product then it's better to sell/return it and buy some other product instead of ranting here.

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Yeah just let me blow 1000 dollars on a phone and be a beta tester

Star II
By the way dose rog 3 have air trigger issue like rog 2 or not

Rising Star I
I downloaded, installed update xxx.98
I am impressed, I managed to fix the image in Youtube (without HW). Now it's great. Netflix looks better but still bad, the blacks are brightened and the whole picture is colorless and black, daytime scenes are beautiful. Well done by Asus people, I believe that the next update will solve the rest of the problems.

Zen Master III

Mine changing from gray to black at specified time. Checked it on auto refresh rate and 144Hz as well

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Noo grey to black changing in mine 😰
Sometimes there is only black colour instead of grey 🤦

Rising Star I

IDK why the users are commenting $#!t here in the forum. My display issue was resolved to a greater extent with .70 update. I always leave my refresh rate at auto, not because of black crush but because of the battery life. It's not a hardware issue, check the YouTube video on black crush by one of the user here. It's an evolving tech and since even the tech giants like Google and Samsung haven't sorted out how to correct the gamma shift with refresh rate at each brightness level, you can't expect to have 100% solution. If you think other people are stupid except you then I'll be more than happy if you could do some research and come up with a technology to sort this problem. I can assure you that Google and Samsung will be willing to pay you for that discovery.

And if you seriously hate this product then it's better to sell/return it and buy some other product instead of ranting here.

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True I see similar comments on all forums 😂
Whether it be OnePlus, Samsung,lg or someone else
"Peeps crying I spent 50k why does this display issues exist" or "I won't buy anything from this X oem again" etc etc
Anyways Asus is working on it I like that unlike OnePlus at least they didn't increase minimum brightness to fix tint and black crush 🤣
I know a lot of guys with OnePlus 8pros that are crying about this lol
Apparently OnePlus didn't add a 90hz option too lol
It's either 60 or 120
After seeing all sides Asus is progressing pretty well in this regard