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ROG 3 suffers from heavy black crush issue

Star III
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:
Model Name:ROG
Firmware Version:
Rooted or not:not
Frequency of Occurrence:QKQ1.200419.002. WW_Phone-17.0823.2007.25
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):netflix,amazon prime india ,youtube(little bit)
In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc.
I have brought device August 12 ,2020 through flipkart first sale at 6auhust. I was very happy until i open netflix ,it has vert bad black crush issue even at full brightness ,in 50pecent brightness colour washed out heavy black crush issue is this hardware or software issue??anyway im just gonna refund ....but i asked some of YouTubers they have none issue ,but for fellow customers only have this😓. I decided to live with this but some of units have no issue why i wanna live with this issue for years so i try to get refund and but 12gb varient.
In YouTube crush issue is little low when compared to netflix and amazon prime ,rather than that this dev is beast 😍
I have noticed heat in aero active coller side(40°to43°) always while playing pupg at 90hz,balanced,extream . although I'm staying in AC room 22°c all time!


993 REPLIES 993

Star III

I have a weird form of black crush. It's as if the screen becomes an LCD display after reaching 50% brightness. All the pixels, even the ones that are supposed to be black, turn into a dark blue colour reminiscent of LCD's. But below 50%, it turns black, and is so forced that you can immediately notice the crush.

I've done the black crush test and got a score of 25 at 0% and 9 at 100%, yet no matter what I do I can't get less than 9. I even tried that screen balance app and it still didn't work. Then I noticed that even the 0 box turned into a dark blue(same as the background) when I had it at 100%.

I don't know if this is better or worse than other peoples' results. All I want to know is this:

Should I replace the unit? If no, then once the update comes and if my black crush is not fixed, will it be covered under warranty, allowing me to go to a service center and get it fixed/replaced under that scheme? Since if even an update doesnt fix an issue with the phone that was present when it was delivered, does that not count as a manufacturing defect?

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Star II
The 2007.58 firmware was already released at the time I received my ROG Phone 3. I notice the following problem(s):
Netflix app - HD or HDR content with dark scenes have a problem where the blacks become greyish at high brightness. Attaching an snap of ROG phone 3 (top) and LG G8s ThinQ (bottom) showing a dark scene at full brightness. Greyish black is apparent. On the LG, the big notch is not visible as black remain true black!

Youtube app - HDR content with black scenes in this video (HDR Perfect black - coke and later black tea pot) are not perfectly black. The more brightness is used, the more greyish the screen becomes. If brightness is reduced true blacks return, however, details in the video are lost owing to lower brightness.
Interestingly, non HDR content, for example (Sony swordsmith) works perfectly. Pitch black like it should be.
Could the problem be that the HDR video in question be non HDR10+ compatible?

Rising Star I
Even in the system ui, when you have dark theme enabled and you slide up for pattern lock screen. Screen is not consistent with colors. It is more noticeable in darker room.

Star III
What the hell? So the story here is that ASUS released with much initial hype - and then silence, on the US front - their flagship phone prematurely? With what seems like zero quality control? Did they say, "this phone looks really great on paper" and push it through?
I've got to say, they seem pretty predatory. So many issues, very little support, and saying "we're investigating," "it's a normal issue"
People are spending $1000 on a flagship phone. There aren't supposed to be "normal" issues, there isn't supposed to be anything but a smooth, satisfied user experience. And by-the-way, that's great marketing, sending great (but how would we know) phones to reviewers. But it's so disrespectful to the people who wait and buy them. And it makes me question the rest of Asus electronics.
People invest in objects, but they also invest in the company - they are loyal. How many people would have bought a great Asus router, and phone, and keyboard, etc, if they picked up the phone, or visa versa. This is really crazy to me that this is how they are operating.
I've been waiting with so much excitement, and saving for the ROG phone 3 here in the US. I was even thinking about buying the international version, until I realized I'd me losing out on a 5G band. But it's been silent on ASUS' front as to the actual US release.
I'm assuming that they're putting it on hold until they figure out these issues. Or they don't actually care about their consumers, beyond a token posting. It's pretty hard to say at this point.
Lets review: screen issues (grainy, black crush, tint issues), laggy systems, faulty dongles, overheating (which was promoted as one of the #1 reasons why this phone was great - cooling!), screen freezing, charging issues (!), and a slew of other problems. This is NOT just teething issues. This is something more.
So do I stick with my Blu Vivo XI+ that cost a third of the price, and does the job reliably? Do I invest in another company's flagship? (assuming I can find one with no notch...) Or do I just wait until ASUS either releases the real phone and not this Alpha or Beta release, and hope that they actually do, or wait until they actually say something officially that isn't pointless bromides. Not to disrespect the mods here, but seriously, you're not going to poo-poo your employer. We know. It's the same as sending pristine units to your youtube and other reviewers.
Input anyone?

Star III
I'd really like to add one thing to my last post:
Reading people's posts in this thread... And seeing how little ASUS has deemed to say disgusts me.
This whole situation disgusts me.
How predatory is this? How many people buy the phone, believing the hype, and finding out that they're stuck with a piece of crap?
I guess I'm lucky, ASUS not having released the phone here. It's given me time to find and read all this. So, thank you, poor consumers. I'm really sorry that you've had do go through these issues. And I appreciate your taking the time to come here and be public about it. I love this phone on paper. It's got everything. It's got great sound, and no notch. It's got cooling and great accessories. But that's just on paper, not reality, apparently.
Considering what cells are to people these days, and considering that this is a flagship, $1000 phone, reliability and quality are the name of the game. Apparently, this phone has neither.
ASUS: you should have waited to even announce the phone until you did adequate testing.
ASUS: you should have stopped selling the phone when you realized you had such a huge QC issue.
ASUS: you should have more respect for the people who drive your business.
I get a real feeling that ASUS just doesn't care whether they lose business. I certainly don't think they really care about any of the people who posted here. And I also don't think that they care that people may never buy their phone - or another ASUS product after reading this, and their inane replies.
Am I the crazy one, or is this crazy?