08-25-2021 07:36 AM
09-04-2021 03:28 PM
simo97.codegaThats literally what I said, while it's not as obvious as on the Rog3 it still exists. Only the rog3 and Oneplus 8 pro (which has a samsung panel btw) have been miscalibrated so badly by pixelworks that they boosted the colorbanding to a very noticable level.The main difference is that not all samsung phones have that issue, and even when they have it, is A LOT less visible than a rog phone, I even prefer a green tint at low britghtness than a black crush everywhere
What is true is that old amoleds without Hdr and 60 hz refresh are showing a lot better quality than this.. at this point a good quality Lcd would be a better choice...
Another thing, I compared Rog Phone 3 to Galaxy s7 in a HDR+10 video... the colours are exactly the same, and this made me think HDR only introduced issues and not advantages in Amoled screens...
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09-05-2021 05:20 AM
DanishbluntThere is no point on discussing on it as they wont do anything at all m sure, major android update anymore ROG 3 is dead brick now just like ROG 2 in terms of official support. I still havent got any info on my device, Asus just make devices and dump with no support at all. Seriously had been Xiaomi phone user from like 6 years and never had such terrible experience.https://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/184758#Comment_184758
Thats literally what I said, while it's not as obvious as on the Rog3 it still exists. Only the rog3 and Oneplus 8 pro (which has a samsung panel btw) have been miscalibrated so badly by pixelworks that they boosted the colorbanding to a very noticable level.
Not true, old OLED's are a lot worse. They were more consistent, but much worse in every single way. When I look at the S5 here and compare with my calibrated rog3, I can without a shred of doubt say that the difference in picture quality is massive. The S5 looks like trash compared to my Rog3.
I call bs on your entire statement. Not only is the greyscale completely off on the S7, but it also isnt even capable of HDR content. There is absolutely no way in hell that both look even similair. Hell given how badly the stock screen has been calibrated I wouldnt be surprised if the S7 looks better.
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09-05-2021 08:02 AM
09-05-2021 02:01 PM
Jesp.rNo trace of the kernel is a complete and utter lie if I ever heard one. The A10 kernel was spread quite a bit. The photos you saw werent from me but from users who used my A10 kernel. I'm pretty sure you know exacly that it isnt snakeoil.Hi @Danishblunt . I don't want you to be offended, but everyone in this forum is constantly hearing that your kernel solves the problem. Yes, you have sent proof of it, we have seen here the photos that you publish, but no trace of the kernel .. As you have told us, do not publish it because other people are going to profit from your work .. but understand that 99% of The users that we post here are normal people who want a solution for our screen. You talk everywhere that your kernel, your kernel your kernel ... but the users who read you, we cannot see or test anything, we only read you and resign ourselves. I don't want you to feel offended by this, I don't doubt you or your work, I just want you to put yourself in our place. Please allow us to test your kernel in some way, as Asus will never solve this problem.
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09-05-2021 02:24 PM