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Multitouch issue in PUBG Mobile

Star II

Model Name: ASUS ROG PHONE 3 (ZS661KS-6A006IN)
Firmware Version: WW 17.0823.2007.32
Rooted or not: Not Rooted
Frequency of Occurrence: Frequently
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): PUBG Mobile 0.19.0
When I press the fire button on screen it fires on single tap mode and then on auto mode. This multitouch issue got me killed many times.
Done factory reset and all but still the same problem.

Star II
Go to setting-> Search for Screen shot and Disable three finger screen shot option. Hope your problem will be solved.

Star II

Go to setting-> Search for Screen shot and Disable three finger screen shot option. Hope your problem will be solved.

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Thanks. The issue is solved.

Hall of Fame III
We will improve the three finger screenshot gesture in a future fw which will hopefully fix this scenario

Star I
  1. Model Name: ASUS ROG PHONE 3 (ZS661KS-6A006IN)
  2. Firmware Version: WW 17.0823.2007.32
  3. Rooted or not: Not Rooted
  4. Frequency of Occurrence: Frequently
  5. APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): PUBG Mobile 0.19.0


When I press the fire button on screen it fires on single tap mode and then on auto mode. This multitouch issue got me killed many times.

Done factory reset and all but still the same problem.

Multitouch issue in PUBG Mobile
Having the same problem, at first i thought it is my first time using airtriggers maybe but i see I'm not the only customer having this problem, Irony is "The Phone Says Republic of Games/Tencent Games" still facing in game problems, Damn it.