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Cannot Update to A12

Rising Star I
As the title says i cannot update my A11 Rog Phone 3 12GB/512GB (WW version) to A12.
If i try to search for the update from the System Update section a message just tells me that my "System is up-to-date".
I also tried to manually download the Firmware .zip file from the official website, i've put it in the root folder of my Rog Phone 3, i then rebooted the phone but the update notification never showed up.
yes, i've downloaded the correct Firmware version, this is the full filename:
What i am missing here?

Rising Star I
Any help? I am stuck on A11 🙄

Star II

Il tuo telefono è stato mai mandato a riparare da uno dei laboratori ufficiali Asus per caso?

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No mai riparato. Oggi 15 luglio vedo è disponibile aggiornamento, visti i tanti ed importanti bug segnalati rimango con Android 11 al momento che va più che bene, non ho tempo né voglia di tornare ad Android 11 qualora il 12 mi dia problemi

Star III
Be grateful. The Android 12 update has been a shit show for ASUS.

Rising Star I

Any help? I am stuck on A11 🙄

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Just update manual

Star III
There are a lot of people including myself who have posted here indicating that their phones stopped working when the phone was updated to Android 12. Might want to look through the posts and see if you might end up with a bricked phone if it updates. Note I have the same version of phone as yours.