02-09-2021 09:24 AM
02-15-2021 11:16 PM
02-28-2021 08:46 AM
03-04-2021 02:49 AM
03-04-2021 07:22 AM
cnoberiodidnt have problems with s21 ultra and with redmi note 9
That's normal, been using 2 TWS, Wh-1000xm4, and my IEMs and He400i V. 2020 with bluetooth thru BTR5.. It might be the interference from other devices or the device itself being optimized to use the best codec..
Check the Bluetooth settings of your audio device in the phone and unclick HD audio.. If your device is supported by an app, there will be a problem with that.. Maybe you can set SBC as default codec in the developer options..
BTW, I use BTR5's multipoint with my Lenovo Legion Phone Duel and stuttering is apparent if both devices are open..
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