Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:
Model Name: Asus ROG 3 8 GB 128 GB
Firmware Version: 0.98
Rooted or not: Not rooted
Frequency of Occurrence: Always
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): Firefox, VLC, Entire Phone!
In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc.
First I am a graphic designer and I know what color accuracy is and how it should be. Suffice to say I got this for gaming and doing work due to its high powered processors.
Now on to the issue:
Steps to reproduce:
Set the refresh rate to 144 Hz - Now look at the navigation menu buttons color - Mine is Green!
Only on 60 Hz they become normal.
youtube. com/ watch?v=xcJtL7QggTI
Now another more troubling issue:
Set the refresh rate to anything! Auto or 60 Hz too are fine.
Fetch any video from YouTube and play it with VLC. I tested with Sony 4K
Now play this on Firefox and use desktop mode. Use 4K res if you want for clarity to see the difference.
Now, even before the "Sony" logo appears, entire screen goes green. Only option here is to reduce brightness significantly. Again, this is not a ideal solution as video becomes darker and black crush worsens.
Hope that someone is taking our feed backs seriously.
I am from India. We don't often buy such expensive stuff just to see your hard earned money go wasted like this.