Baru siang tadi saya ketahui bahwa,kamera ponsel saya sudah gagal fungsi dan sama sekali tidak dapat membuka saat setelah di klik untuk mengaktifkannya.Mohon bantuannya. Reaksinya...kamera tidak dapat diakses,coba lagi atau hidupkan ulang perangkat ada.
Hi Zainal Arifin , If factory reset still doesn't solve the problem, it is recommended that you visit the ASUS Repair Center to have your device checked. Please refer to the following link for further assistance. Call Us | Official Support | ASUS Global
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Hi Zainal Arifin , I am sorry for not being familiar with Indonesian, so I used Google translate to understand. Could you please provide the model name (for example, ZE500KL, ZE601KL), firmware version, and details of the situation? Have you tried rebooting your device as you mentioned? Please refer to the following link for troubleshooting the camera issue. [Phone] Troubleshooting - I cannot launch the Camera | Official Support | ASUS Global
Hi Zainal Arifin , If factory reset still doesn't solve the problem, it is recommended that you visit the ASUS Repair Center to have your device checked. Please refer to the following link for further assistance. Call Us | Official Support | ASUS Global
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.