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Forum Posts

Missing security patch

Model: ZE552KLRAM: 2GBFirmware/App Version: 8.0Location: BrasilFrequency of Occurrence: Rooted: NoApp Name: Security patchScreenshot: My company did ...

Zenfone 2 wifi connection problem (no internet working)

Model: ZE551MLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: LRX21V.WW-ASUS_Z00A- (Android 5.0)Frequency of Occurrence: Always for monthsRooted: NoAPP Name: Last edited by retty.chheang on 2019/10/21 23:59 I have own this phone for abo...

What is this,?

Model: ZC550KL(Max)RAM: 3GFirmware/APP Version: of Occurrence: 113Rooted: NoAPP Name: Give solution, please

High altitude and low temperatures Effections on Zenfone

Model: RAM: Firmware/APP Version: Frequency of Occurrence: Rooted: APP Name: Hi, I have been climbing at noon time to an 970 meters mountain with a full charged battery. The weather was 7 degrees celsius . The Zenfone could not start. In the morning ...

EffyA by Star I
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question mark battery

APP Name: Rooted: NoFrequency of Occurrence: 1.2Firmware/APP Version: 6.0.1RAM: 3GModel: ZE550KLScreenshot: changed its battery but after trying to open it agai...

Earphone Mode

Always on earphone mode even if it does not have plugged earphones

Home tuşu

Model: ZE551MLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: LollipopFrequency of Occurrence: AlwaysRooted: NoAPP Name: Home tuşuna basılı tutunca çıkan arama motorunu değiştirmek istiyorum. Google yerine başka bir arama motoru koymak istiyorum nasıl yapabilirim?

System/app issue

I really need help from anyone to solve this issue. My phone keep showing this.

where to buy Arcaderm Serum?

Description: Arcaderm SerumsdfsdsdsdsdRAM: 1GFirmware/APP Version: Arcaderm SerumFrequency of Occurrence: Arcaderm SerumRooted: NoAPP Name: ArcadermSerum Arcaderm SerumSo recalling the issues we have to familiarize you with a crispout of the crat...


Model: ZE520KLRAM: 2GBFirmware/App Version: WW_ZE520KL-15.0410.1807.75-0Location: BulgariaFrequency of Occurrence: Rooted: YesApp Name: Screenshot: A...