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RT-BE92U Persistent Thermal Zone Faults

Star III

First post here so bear with me if I miss anything. Since purchase, my RT-BE92U has been plagued with the same issues others have posted here. Up until the new firmware version dropped, I was having constant problems with network stability. I am currently running the latest firmware version ( and a lot of the issues seem to have been resolved except for one. Before the firmware update, I was seeing intermittent thermal zone errors in the system log. Since applying the update, I am consistently getting the following errors that appear every 3 seconds exactly:

Jan 4 18:29:52 kernel: read_bpcm_reg_direct_keyhole: Wait for completion failed, devAddr 0x3, offset 24, idx 2
Jan 4 18:29:52 kernel: thermal thermal_zone0: Failed to get RAIL 0 temperature, ret=256
Jan 4 18:29:52 kernel: thermal thermal_zone0: Failed to get temperature, ret=-1
Jan 4 18:29:52 kernel: thermal thermal_zone0: failed to read out thermal zone (-1)

On occasion, the errors coincide with a drastic decrease in wireless network performance. Under normal conditions, when connected to the 6GHz network, my wireless network download speed averages around 1100Mbps. This will drop to a nearly unusable 2-3Mbps. The 2.5GHz and 5GHz networks also see a decrease in speed to around the same 2-3Mbps. Wired clients seem unaffected. Once I perform a hard reset to the router, it seems to correct the speed issue for a while, but the thermal zone errors continue to persist. This seems to happen anywhere from once a week, to every day. Performing a hard reset isn't something I want to nor should have to keep doing to correct the issue every time it happens. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to stop this from happening. I am getting very close to returning this router and exchanging it for a different brand. Thanks.

208 REPLIES 208

I agree with you, @RicoSuave! Can Asus team give us some update here? Have you reproduced the issue and when can we expect a fix?

Similar situation.  Today it even stopped connecting to the modem, so reset all 3 routers (again) and rebuilt my network mesh based on my AX series.  The BE92 is now an expensive mesh node that can't do any of the things that it's ostensibly capable of, so is likely to get returned next week, as it doesn't appear that the devs are making positive progress.  Having had Asus network products for well over a decade, I'm seriously disappointed in this one

Star I

I disabled the 2.4G radio on this router but instead connected an old AC68U as an AP behind the router only using its 2.4G radio to maintain IoT connectivity, but the thermal zone errors still persist.

Star III

If ASUS can't come up with a patch to resolve these thermal entries could they at least give us the ability to filter logs?  I know they have told us the errors are safe to ignore but they haven't, at least to my understanding, if it's a hardware or firmware problem.  Considering the amount of time it's taking it makes me wonder about the hardware.  And I'm like some of you, disabling radios and such isn't an option for me.

If it were possible I would have been at Best Buy days ago.  But, alas, it's not.  Speaking of Best Buy, I read a review on BB's web site where the reviewer was complaining about these issues not knowing the back story.  So, it's not just in this thread.

Star III

Is anyone else encountering the deauth / deauthorize errors in the log? I'm seeing those in addition to the thermal faults