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I have set up the MB16ACV to work with my Surface Pro 8, but I have no idea how to charge the Zen Screen or to see it charging or its time left. I thought I could plug it into the wall with an adapter but I got an error message. The menu button does not show an input device or charging feature. So I am stuck. Can someone instruct me what to do for charging? Does it charge via the laptop and drain power from the Surface Pro 8 or any other laptop? This is frustrating. Thank you.



Hi @Dovidel ,

based on your issue, may I ask could you provide the screenshot of the error messege? 

For MB16ACV it supports power and video transmission, and enables compatibility with any laptop with a USB Type-C or Type A port.

May I ask whcih cable you try to connect your monitor and laptop?

Also, it is suggest that you can install the driver via official site. You can refer to the following link.

ZenScreen MB16ACV|Monitors|ASUS Global

Thank you.

All I am trying to find out is how this monitor is supposed to recharge and how I'm supposed to be able to tell how much it's charging. The manual says nothing about it. I downloaded a couple of drivers, but that didn't help me on the battery charge question!!

I connect the monitor using the small end cable. I can't remember its correct name.

Asus Zen wrote me to ask me if u have my solution. So far I am still waiting to find out how to charge the monitor and check it's charge level. It's been four or five days on such a simple issue.