Please make a site where we can buy
Chargers cables
And All asus Accessories
Just Like Mi realme OnePlus
They have their own official site to purchase
But For Asus I tried to buy a adapter online and i didn't find in whole internet
Its not available in india
I have to import from different countries
If I visit an Asus Service centre
They told me
They will order the Adapter and will come in 4-5 days also i have to pay the
Shipping charges
Just for a Adapter
Seriously man
You Guys Have ho work on it
If u can't believe me
Find me a 30watt adapter or 18watt in india
Just don't give links to import from other countries that's so costly 🥺
I hope u guys understand my concern
Its not always with specs
After sale service is also so much important
❤️Link of Asus Store India