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[Phone] How do I use Photo Vibe when taking a photo?

Photo Vibe consist of five options: Default, Rich & Warm, Soft & Warm, Vivid Cool, Gentle Cool. 


You can apply a Photo Vibe using any of the following methods: 

  • Camera Photo Mode

1. Open Camera app.


2. Tap Photo Vibe icon in the top function bar.


3. Enter Photo Vibe selection mode and swipe left or right to choose a style.


4. After selecting, tap on the screen or the Photo Vibe icon in the top function bar to apply and return to the photo mode.




  • Camera Photo Mode Settings  

1. Open the Camera app.


2. Swipe down on the screen and tap :gear: Settings, then select Photo Vibe.


3. Enter Photo Vibe selection menu, swipe left or right to choose, and tap Apply at the bottom to finalize the settings. 



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