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[Phone] How do I use Google Assistant on Android 15?

Enter a text, voice or picture to complete daily tasks, including setting alarms or sending messages.


Please enable Google Assistant settings first.
1. Go to Settings > Display > System navigation.
2. Set Swipe to open Google assistant to on.


Use Google Assistant
1. Swipe up from any corner at the bottom to activate Google Assistant.
2. Enter a text, voice or picture to create a task.


Disable Google Assistant
1. Go to Settings > Display > System navigation.
2. Set Swipe to open Google assistant to off.


-Must be connected to the Internet.
-If the version you are using is prior to Android 14 (inclusive), please follow these steps:

If you use Gesture navigation mode
Please enable Google Assistant settings first

1. Go to Settings > Display > System navigation > tap Gesture navigation settings button.
2. Set Swipe to open Google assistant to on.


Use Google Assistant
Swipe up from any corner at the bottom to activate Google Assistant.


Disable Google Assistant
1. Go to Settings > Display > System navigation > tap Gesture navigation settings button.
2. Set Swipe to open Google assistant to off.


If you use Navigation bar mode:
Long press the home button to activate Google Assistant.

Version history
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