[Phone] Can't find the photos you're looking for in the Gallery?
To provide you with a more comprehensive search function, Gallery scans and categorizes photos on your mobile device (photos are only scanned on your mobile device, not uploaded to the cloud). We recommend that you review the following before using the search feature:
- For users who have recently changed their mobile device: If you have just transferred data and photos from your old phone to your new phone, it may take a longer time to scan photos before using the search feature for the first time. We suggest that you charge your phone and leave it on standby. The phone will scan the photos in the background, and once the scanning is complete, you can start searching.
- If you have completed the initial scan and continue to add photos (capture/import photos), the newly added photos need to be scanned before they can be searched. Please wait a day to two and try again.
- If photos lack timestamp or location information, they cannot be searched using "time," "location", or a combination of these keywords.
- If you enter search terms and do not find relevant results, please provide more details describing the photos or try using other similar search terms.