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MyASUS - User Center

Firstly, you need to login. If you don't have ASUS ID, you can register here.

By clicking  , you can edit your personal info and change password.

You can also manage accounts among other ASUS in-house apps such as GlideX.

You can log out the current account by pressing .

[Edit profile picture]: You can edit your profile picture by pressing the current picture.

[Member exclusive coupon]: When acquiring coupons, all of them will be saved here for future use.

[Product Registration]: You can register all ASUS product through MyASUS easily and enjoy the warranty service.

1. Click [Instant product registration].

2. Type product serial number and press [Send] to complete the registration.

3. The registered product will be shown in the [My product] section.

[Product Footprint]: You can check the registered device status in one page including product technical specification, repair status, warranty status and also repair history.

1. Click one of the registered products you’d like to check.

Click[Tech Specs]

You can check the detail specs of your product here.

2. You can also upgrade warranty in this page, just click [Upgrade Warranty] button from the top or at the bottom banner.

3. After clicking the [Upgrade Warranty button], available warranty packages will be shown, you can base on your needs to choose the one to purchase. 

If you have selected a package without complete the payment, a red banner will be shown to guide you to complete the payment or you can reselect a new package.

4. When all required info has been filled in, the payment page will be pop-out from browser, the warranty purchase will not be completed unless you complete the payment from the browser.
Note: after completing warranty purchase, the new warranty end date will be refreshed within 3 to 5 days.

[Exclusives]: You can go to ASUS Store to check more promotions by clicking the banner below.



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