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limitless gaming device!?

Star I
Isn't Zenfone Max Pro M1 an application like a game booster?
I tried to play several games and always had fps drop while playing!
The games I run are like lifeafter, SINoALICE and World of warship blitz! I know Zenfone max pro m1 is not strong at running 60 fps but the lowest setting still gets frame drops.
Recently I received an update via FOTA of 603MB but it seems there is no good change even there is no description of the latest update.
Don't focus too much on popular games like PUBG, CODM, because not everyone plays them.

Star I
Recently I received an update via FOTA of 603MB but it seems there is no good change even there is no description of the latest update.

When did you receive this update available notification ?