Battery draining fast after android 10 update. Resolve the issue asap.
I just restarted my device and now it's not able to detect network any help would be really appreciated !I updated Android 10 few days back.
Dear team,My Asus max M1 was not able to send any contact with sms service, when I send any contacts from my contact list it is sending with mms service,Please suggest
Even with 3-4gb of RAM and only 2 or 3 applications open in the background, they always recharge. The system is unable to keep applications open.Device: Max Shot (ZB634KL)SO: Android 9 - WW-16.14.1909.275
Здравствуйте,пришло новая версия я нажал скачать минут через 30 вылезла что невозможно загрузить обновление системы .Неустойчивый сигнал связи я подключен к wi fi
Recently I've been unable to focus the camera, I haven't dropped the phone and I've already tried with various camera apps but nothing seems to work. Anyone knows a fix or the cause for this?
Pay focus portion control too. Overeating at one meal bring about you have an increase in calorie intake at the finish of day time. Make smart food choices too guaranteeing that you are not hungry. Fresh fruit of vegetables work extremely well for so...
In zenfone 5z I'm using the new android 10 system navigation gestures and I'm noticing it from couple of days that it covers the little bit screen from bottom which kills the full screen view and it doesn't seems good as in max pro m1 android 10 beta...
Постоянно вылетает, виснет и начинает бесконечно перезагружаться. Так же вообще не видит связь. Установлено 2 sim. И ни одной не показывает связь. Слава Богу, что хоть sim видит. Но не связь. Весь январь так. Sim устанавливала в планшет, все в порядк...