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ROG 3 suffers from heavy black crush issue

Star III
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:
Model Name:ROG
Firmware Version:
Rooted or not:not
Frequency of Occurrence:QKQ1.200419.002. WW_Phone-17.0823.2007.25
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):netflix,amazon prime india ,youtube(little bit)
In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc.
I have brought device August 12 ,2020 through flipkart first sale at 6auhust. I was very happy until i open netflix ,it has vert bad black crush issue even at full brightness ,in 50pecent brightness colour washed out heavy black crush issue is this hardware or software issue??anyway im just gonna refund ....but i asked some of YouTubers they have none issue ,but for fellow customers only have this😓. I decided to live with this but some of units have no issue why i wanna live with this issue for years so i try to get refund and but 12gb varient.
In YouTube crush issue is little low when compared to netflix and amazon prime ,rather than that this dev is beast 😍
I have noticed heat in aero active coller side(40°to43°) always while playing pupg at 90hz,balanced,extream . although I'm staying in AC room 22°c all time!


993 REPLIES 993

Hall of Fame I

it's not about the render it's about the stuff that ASUS ignored rog 3

they already have certification showing it will have 65w charging if u don't own a rog 3 then shut up and if u do then u are just plain dumb or maybe u are filthy rich same thing.

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Since you're obviously unable to do basic thinking let me help you so that even your brain can hopefully follow. @botboy444 is obviously a sceptical minded person that doesn't jump on any random rumor or statement and accepts it as a fact, he needs like most sane people on this planet compelling evidence on outragious claims in order to accept them. So if you want to talk about the Rog4 or Rog5 and make random claims you better have some evidence to support your claim otherwise be quiet unless you want to look like a donkey, which you currently do.

Star III
You must be very busy and have some very important job or something. Otherwise how could you reply to each and every comment.. typ something so long and pay heed to such and all matters discussed here and at the same time plan to buy popcorn to see which side wins. Oo I forgot... Dude... Let's share our adress. I wish to meet you in person.. teach you some manners. I really do.

Hall of Fame I

You must be very busy and have some very important job or something. Otherwise how could you reply to each and every comment.. typ something so long and pay heed to such and all matters discussed here and at the same time plan to buy popcorn to see which side wins. Oo I forgot... Dude... Let's share our adress. I wish to meet you in person.. teach you some manners. I really do.

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it literally took me a couple of minutes to reply as I do type quite fast. Just because you're slow in everything you do doesn't mean everyone is.
Also nice of you to take more of your time to reply to me. Also you're a gnome 🙂

Star III

it literally took me a couple of minutes to reply as I do type quite fast. Just because you're slow in everything you do doesn't mean everyone is.

Also nice of you to take more of your time to reply to me. Also you're a gnome 🙂

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No no for your sake lets assume I have no money and no job and the most useless person on the planet. But plz why are you ignoring my request.. plz let's share your name. Let's meet friend. I will apologize for my misbehavior in person. That's all I want to do. You re such a big respected hero around this community. It would be an honour to meet you. So let's meet.. I'm from Mumbai.. you ? You already know my name too.. yours ?

Hall of Fame I

No no for your sake lets assume I have no money and no job and the most useless person on the planet. But plz why are you ignoring my request.. plz let's share your name. Let's meet friend. I will apologize for my misbehavior in person. That's all I want to do. You re such a big respected hero around this community. It would be an honour to meet you. So let's meet.. I'm from Mumbai.. you ? You already know my name too.. yours ?

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You have no request, you have tears and salt. I don't meet kids, sorry.