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Max pro m1 can't update/heat up/link to PC

Star II
Max pro m1 doesn't get fota ubdate manual ubdate also not working all the method was instruct your team. My phone heating up badly. Charging also very slow day by day it's annoying

Star I
After the last security system update, the phone is categorically

does not connect to my PC! I can't simply copy photos or videos. Hell...they can't detect each other(

Community Legend II
Hi friends
Thank you for your asking. Kindly provide the information below so that we can better assist you.
1. Is your model ZB555KL or ZB556KL?
2. Is your firmware version WW-15.00.2007.122? If you try to update to the latest version, does the issue still persist?

For jahir1378myn
1. Have you ever rooted or unlocked your device?
2. Please try perform the Factory Reset first>Download the next firmware version file of your current version in PC>Transfer the file from PC to the root directory, aka the outermost place, of the internal storage of your phone via USB cable>re-boot your phone>tap the pop up notification of system update
3. Try to check on the 3rd party apps and try the Factory Reset for device heating issue. You may enter "Safe Mode". If the function works well in Safe Mode yet the issue remains out of Safe Mode, please check on any disturbance from the installed 3rd party apps.
# How to enter and exit "Safe Mode"

For mrkot
My device with WW-15.00.2007.122 can link to the PC properly.
1. Can your phone at least be detected by PC? If it can't, please change the cable.
2. Please tap "Yes"

3. Please tap "Android System, USB charging this device" then choose "transfer files"