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Zenfone Live L1 Unlock Bootloader again

Star I
A bit of backstory: I have a Zenfone Live L1, which I unlocked using the Unlock Device Tool quite a while back, and now I wanted to update it to the latest Android 10 OS. I managed to do it using Recovery and an external SD Card, after trying to get a FOTA notification for the .zip file in the internal storage. I thought maybe FOTA didn't allow me to install the update offline, so I booted the phone in Fastboot (Vol Up + Power) and ran 'fastboot oem lock', which deleted the user data and settings and locked the bootloader. I shouldn't have done that, as it probably wasn't required for the Recovery update. Now I have installed Android 10 (official from ASUS) and I want to root it, so I need to unlock the bootloader.
Here we get to the issue: I unlocked the bootloader and locked it, and now I need to unlock it again. The Unlock Device Tool loads for a few seconds, then displays a message about a PIN password not being set and I tried to continue but after rebooting I see that it did not do anything, but I got no error message. The boot procedure and time was exactly the same as if I did a normal restart. I set a PIN, made sure it was required to boot the phone and decrypt it and tried again, still the PIN password not being set message and no unlock after reboot. What should I do?
Here are the phone details:
Model Name: Zenfone Live L1/ASUS_X00RD/ZA550KL
Firmware Version: Android 10 QKQ1.191002.002.WW_Phone-17.07.2003.405-202003 30
Rooted or not: NO
Frequency of Occurrence: All the time
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): Unlock Device Tool, version
If any ASUS representative needs info like SN or IMEI I will provide them, as I'm not sure if I should post them publically.
Hoping someone can help me solve this issue, as I don't care about warranty or losing services, like FOTA (which I probably lost) bank or streaming apps, because I'm not using it as my main device.
Edit: Also nowhere in the EULA or info for this app it states that I cannot unlock the bootloader more than once, or that I cannot lock it again. It states that I will not be able to restore the device to the original locked state, as it's IMEI is recorded in some database.

Community Legend II
Hi tny199916
Thank you for your asking. Could you provide me the screenshot of the error message? Also, due to further processes involving personal information(SN), please check your inbox and reply to the PM.

Star II
I'm not able to go past this

Community Legend II
Hi tny199916
Thank you for your reply. Please check your inbox and reply me the PM I sent you.

Star III


I'm not able to go past this

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I have this same error

Star III

Hi tny199916

Thank you for your reply. Please check your inbox and reply me the PM I sent you.

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Coould you pls help me too?