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Mobile Service drops to 0 bars /x, reboot sometimes fixes Zenphone 9 Android 14

Star I

Zenfone 9, Android 14 Patch level April 5, 2024
FW version WW_34.0304.2004.108
Provider T-Mobile

Since about April 28, I've noticed cell signal cuts out completely with 0 bars and a little x on the icon. I have moderate signal at home. I'm traveling in Houston and can see cell towers along the highway. Sometimes I can power cycle the phone and it re-acquires signal. This morning I tried 3 times with no improvement. 2 hours later, it has 2 bars.

What should I try?



Rising Star I

I have WW_34.0304.2004.108 android versiyon . After this version  I. have network problem. Often communication cutting. Now could not use my zenfone 9 phone. No body reach me or I could not call somebody. İnternet often problem. When internet 4,5G if  I call somebody internet symbol getting H+  and cut communication.  Mobile data and calling not work stabil.  I am in Türkiye. Help please