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ZenFone 7
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Forum Posts

Zenfone7 pro充電過慢

Zenfone 7 pro充電不到30瓦,實測出來只有18瓦快充頭,我不知道是不是軟體開發有問題還是原廠充電有問題?

ошибка работы передачи файлов, фото, видео через приложения смартфона

Здравствуйте, наблюдается такая проблемы , фото , видео ...все что находится в памяти смартфона и карте памяти в смартфоне , в том числе , не возможно отправить т.е. поделится этом материалом через любой сервис, сразу "сбрасывается" данная функция н...

den_77 by Star I
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DIY Replaced camera motor on Zenfone 7

The flipping camera on my Zenfone 7 stopped flipping and was dangling like a disjointed arm. There was some motor whine when I push the controls, but it just wasn't moving. Since I'm nowhere near a repair centre, I decided to give it a go at fixi...

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Always on screen feature

I do not know why Asus does not care about the feature that is always on the screen, which we previously talked about, that it lacks the addition of new and diverse forms, and most importantly, adding a feature that makes it stop when you put it in t...

Disappearing features

Unfortunately, in the latest update, an important and useful feature, which is the screen rotation sign from the bottom of the phone, was canceled

Android 12 beta

If I enroll in beta , when the stable version of Android 12 is released what will happen with my phone , will it get android 12 stable and end the beta program or remain in the beta program ?

ZenFone 7從保固內修到保固外


I think I can hear crickets in this forum

Man the zenfone 7 forum is so quiet lately I am sure I can hear crickets in this forum. But no news is good news eh the zenfone 7 must be pretty bug free at present,well done Asus Devs

Roystoys by Zen Master III
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