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updates for asus 5z

Star III
Hi asus, I would like to know if there are anymore updates for us 5z users. Because there are still problems like battery drain, heating problems and so on.
And also is android 11 or zen ui 7 comming to 5z. I am just curious about it. Because I just bought this a year ago and I still like this device, that's why.
It would be great if we atleast get zen ui 7 instead of android 11.

Rising Star I
Hi everyone there (facing battery drain issue) please don't mislead any1 by telling the real problems of device. As amit garde has said that ur device is faulty so it is. He's the 1 to decide whether it's the device problem (hardware related) or it is software. He also said me same thing to replace battery for no reason as I'm also facing huge battery drainage after the last OTA received. There is no meaning of arguing here. As amit garde is the 1 who has got the best device from the asus (i think so) and best services that's why hundreds of people facing same problem are liars and he's the right one. So please asus will not listen us anymore. That's why amit garde is convincing every1 to replace their battery instead of asking devs to check for the reason behind battery drainage.

Community Legend II

Hi everyone there (facing battery drain issue) please don't mislead any1 by telling the real problems of device. As amit garde has said that ur device is faulty so it is. He's the 1 to decide whether it's the device problem (hardware related) or it is software. He also said me same thing to replace battery for no reason as I'm also facing huge battery drainage after the last OTA received. There is no meaning of arguing here. As amit garde is the 1 who has got the best device from the asus (i think so) and best services that's why hundreds of people facing same problem are liars and he's the right one. So please asus will not listen us anymore. That's why amit garde is convincing every1 to replace their battery instead of asking devs to check for the reason behind battery drainage.

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LOL 😅 Thats too..... Much... 😂😂
Your answer to this is here,
Its not just me. there are few others too who have changed there batteries and everything is f9 for them now but you are always trying to just mock everyone and try to speak anything off topics this is not the first time i have encounterd with you but several times you never accept the facts and so you keep doing same thing again and again i guess. So i keep my dignity and ignore you hereafter.
But as a forum member and also as a user experince let me help you one last time. The answers from various other users in another thread for your same similar like comments is here do check again if you have forgot about this thread 👇👇

If you really want to help, then do share this battery drainage problem after FOTA with mods & devs, so that they can look for it, whether there's a prob or not. As sooner, we all stop getting any update. Do share this prob with mods & Devs so that they can fix it in a single patch, they don't have to work differently for this problem, if it persists. If ur device is working fine doesn't means no one will face the problem. Majority is facing battery drainage. So please share it with mods & devs if they listen to u. Do this help if u want to. Thank you so much.

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I hope this should surely help you. 👆👆

Rising Star II
unnecessary polemics are not the solution. Our main issue is how will the next update be for this battery drain? I need to look at this

Rising Star II
Of course, many more errors such as the first camera blur need to be corrected. Since I am focused on the battery, we cannot just ignore them.

Community Legend II

Of course, many more errors such as the first camera blur need to be corrected. Since I am focused on the battery, we cannot just ignore them.

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Camera blur is also a hardware to blame as OIS gets stuck at some level and hence blury camera issue is seen. i personally analyized that most of people who tried installing custom rom and than again came back on stock have faced camera blur issue. And as myself a 5z users since 2.7m years i havent seen any problem with camera due to software everything seems flawless.
Regarding upcoming update of battery backup we will get to know when it drops but as per what i know there will not be any battery related fixes because my all logs have failed to impress devs and trust me i have tried many ways to show if battery is culprit for drain/ less backup but after comparing there testing usnits with healthy battery they say its normal and they dont see any uneven behaviour with system drain and so i have requested you the steps if you can do that would be more helful for us to raise it to mods and ask them if theres really something wrong with software for battery drain.
I am waiting for the SOT latest proofs from 92 version from your steps of downgrade to A9 and than updating to 92 (A10) so that i may prove devs real diffrence. I wish you will do it ASAP.