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Unlock Device App does not unlock bootloader

Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:
Model Name: Zenfone 5 ZE620KL
Firmware Version: WW_15_0610_1801_42
Rooted or not: NOT
Frequency of Occurrence: Always
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): Unlock Device App

The program does not unlock the bootloader, writes (An unknown error occurs, which may be a network connection issue. please wait and try again later)
125 REPLIES 125

Star I

hi agent,

I am also having the same problem. But as you said, i unlocked it long back. and never relocked it.but recently i ve changed the mother board from ASUS Authoraised service centre. since then i am getting the same error. My model is ASus 6z,bought in july2019 india. I ve titanium backup of my old apps and data. so i nee desperately need root.

pls help

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So what I understood is, when u've already unlocked once it's registered in Asus Database. And when they changed motherboard it came with locked bootloaders. But now when I try to unlock it again,it's checking in the database n found that the device is already unlocked n hence its giving the error.
But what is the solution to this problem?are we struck up with locked bootloaders for ever? Or is there someone who can help us? I think the programmer has not seen this condition coming. I.e out of repair at service centre.. getting the unlocked to locked state.
One final doubt,if the service centre can lock the unlocked bootloaders,
can they unlock the locked bootloaders? Pls tell me if so I LL get it done there.
Else I don't have any option other than to sell this n buy a phone which is rootable. Becoz Root is must for me as I ve huge data n apps backed up with Titanium Backup.
Pls help

Star I
I'm not sure this solution will work.

Try downgrading to older firmware like 2018 or 2019 version of firmware and then use that app to unlock bootloader.


Hi yusufarifin532

Thank you for providing me the info. After investigating by the tech team, they found out that your device had unlocked once in February. Did you perform the unlock movement before or did you purchased the device from second-hand resource? Have you change the motherboard before?

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yes i unlock february but . my phone get brick and get flash raw file WW_ZE620KL_15.0610.1801.42_M3.5.11.6-ASUS_1.1.7_Phone-user.raw 
my phone get normal again but bootloader get relocked again 🙂
change motherboard nope 😶

Star I

yes i unlock february but . my phone get brick and get flash raw file WW_ZE620KL_15.0610.1801.42_M3.5.11.6-ASUS_1.1.7_Phone-user.raw 

my phone get normal again but bootloader get relocked again 🙂

change motherboard nope 😶

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A raw file? Never seen this file before

Star I
Unlock Device App does not unlock bootloader Zenfone 5Z ZS620KL

Model Name: Zenfone 5Z ZS620KL
Firmware Version: WW-
Rooted or not: NOT
Frequency of Occurrence: Always
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): Unlock Device App