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[5z] YONO SBI Banking App Crashing In Normal Profile But Works Flawlessly In Work Profile.

Community Legend II
Model Name: ZS620KL
Firmware Version:
Rooted or not:Not
Frequency of Occurrence:Always
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): YONO SBI ( Ver- 1.23.36)

Flagship Experience!!! 🤷‍:male_sign:
Even After every trouble shooting done app isn't working tried reinstallation, tried clearing cache, storage, all permissions but nothing has helped. Also reported to App developer according to them this issue is specifically for Zenfone 5z users and they asked to report it to ASUS.
Take a look at screen recording 👇👇
I have gone through all Google play reviews of Zenfone 5z users for YONO SBI app. Yes app crashing issue is there since 8-9 months.
I am clueless if this problem is from App developer side or real culprit is firmware on 5z. Because same App is working flawalessly in work profile on same device with same firmware version i. E. .123.
This is a banking app and needs to be used on daily basis but due to this crashing issue we are helpless and only solution for this is to use lite version of same app with less options.
Please can you look into this issue this needs to be addressed ASAP as its a banking app. And also please dont forget to go through playstore reviews for same model you will see there are almost all users seeing this issue.
Zenfone 5z with outdated security patch and such problems with latest firmware version . 123 is not acceptable. Common this is a flagship and still a stronger in hand device than many other competators or Zenfones out there. Dont ruin Good hardware with bad firmware.
One last update is seriously expected for Zenfone 5z. We are unhappy with such bad flagship experience.
I hope someone will take a look into this and justice Zenfone 5z to its final days. There are still many bugs i reported with logs and i hope to please fix this in near future Asus. And then you are free to say a final Goodbye to Zenfone 5z.
@Anders_ASUS @Gustav_ASUS @Titan_ASUS @Kris_ASUS @Christine_ASUS @CH_ASUS @DrAlex_ASUS @ARP_ASUS@Falcon_ASUS

Community Legend II

Sorry to say but from the day i have installed yono sbi it has been working absolutely fine for me. I haven't got such type of problem. But i have seen many 5z users are getting such problem. Maybe you should try yono sbi lite app until and unless asus bring the update for the same.

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I have seen that this issue keeps coming after several months and the only solution is reset device. This is very annoying. And i am clueless weather its ASUS or SBI problem.
As i said above there are many complains since year on SBI review section of play store. For model Zenfone 5z. And issue still exists and so i guess this may be problem from ASUS ( not fully sure)
Also I remember there was a firmware update dropped. ( i dont remember firmware version or Android version at that time in Zenfone 5z.) from Asus to fix this SBI YONO app crash issue. Later for few firmware version it was fixed and now again it is back. So i am getting pretty sure here that ASUS has to address this issues just like earlier they have did for same SBI app.

Community Legend II

Hi, thank you for highlighting the issue. We have made a note of the feedback and will share it with the relevant team.

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Not just sharing with team will help. I want a solution this is annoying me too much. It is a Very important app for banking. Please ask devs to look into this matter for a fix in next FOTA.
What is use of flagship if apps are crashing uselessly.??

Star I
Yes, SBI Yono is important banking app. I am also facing the same problem from past 1 year. App closes immediately after opening, not promting login page.

Please resolve the issue ASAP.

Star II
I have been facing the same issue from last one year. Tried everything but to no avail. This is a firmware issue from Asus side.

Community Legend II

Yes, SBI Yono is important banking app. I am also facing the same problem from past 1 year. App closes immediately after opening, not promting login page.

Please resolve the issue ASAP.

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I have been facing the same issue from last one year. Tried everything but to no avail. This is a firmware issue from Asus side.

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I dont know why ASUS is not ready to acknowledge this serious issues this is useful app and still ASUS is ignoring the fact..!!!