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Star II
since ‎08-11-2021

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  • 12 Posts
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  • 4 Kudos received

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My Device is out of warranty, I purchase my rog 5 in 2021 and just 1 month ago suddenlyfingerprint stop working so please let me know the solution for that, I already rest my device 2 times but still i'm facing the issue. @Titan_ASUS @Falcon_ASUS  @L...


When Asus Rog 5 will get the update for 5G+ Currently i only get 5G but in other devices they get 5G+ with 5G+NR option but why it not in Rog 5 , I just Want to know that when Rog 5 will get the update of 5G+ and 5G NR update@Titan_ASUS @Falcon_ASUS ...
  Is this a stable update 
When i open Instagram and a when i click particular chat Instagram Stop responding So please Stop giving bugs please As fix it as soon as possible
After update to 31.0810.1226.84Battle Grounds Mobile India is lagging to much Too much of frame dropes like 20 to 30 fps it not playable i buy 50000 phone for this type of lag same on you asus Please fix it as soon as possible
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