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[ROG I] (WW-16.0420.2003.24) Thank you !

Star II
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:
Model Name:zs600kl
Firmware Version:2003.24_0
Rooted or not:NO
Frequency of Occurrence:not anymore
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):Call of Duty
I made this topic as a gratefulness for the latest update which solved all my problems with my ROG 1 I can fully enjoy this phone ❤️

Star II
@CyberPunk2302 Actually I had a lot of trouble ..I was thinking of ROG 3 for the next update ...but then suddenly I got a better idea, I bought a phone half price with better specs...Nubia 5G, good luck ASUS .

Community Legend I

@CyberPunk2302 Actually I had a lot of trouble ..I was thinking of ROG 3 for the next update ...but then suddenly I got a better idea, I bought a phone half price with better specs...Nubia 5G, good luck ASUS .

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Nubia isn't great with updates either
Rog 2 was much often updated compared to the red magic 3 (it hasn't even got a10 afaik)
Plus no development whatsoever
Asus rebranded Rog lineup after Rog 2 launch
~ better software support (bimonthly)
~ officially sending phone to developers (Omni rom,havoc, lineage etc,gcam community has good devs including arnova)
I do agree that Rog 1 wasn't supported well but after the 2nd phone Rog lineup is going to a positive direction (it has large telegram community too by the way)
Larger the community better the support

Rising Star II
Glad you changed the phone.

@CyberPunk2302 Actually I had a lot of trouble ..I was thinking of ROG 3 for the next update ...but then suddenly I got a better idea, I bought a phone half price with better specs...Nubia 5G, good luck ASUS .

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Glad you realized sooner than later. This phone is dead. I agree with @Averan that Rog 2 is better. But only time will tell. Am sure they'll have the same fate for Android 11.

Community Legend I

Glad you changed the phone.

Glad you realized sooner than later. This phone is dead. I agree with @Averan that Rog 2 is better. But only time will tell. Am sure they'll have the same fate for Android 11.

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Support isn't dead for Rog 1 tho right?
Release note states that it got an update in may recently
No android 10 is a bummer but atleast it got the Zen UI 6 skin with pie update (there was a time when articles stated it'll be stuck on Oreo forever)
Considering the current schedule, Rog 1 gets a update like every 2 months (not too bad imo)
Plus as far as Rog 2 is concerned I'm pretty affirmative that it'll get android 11 as it has a large community, developer support, much better software support compared to Rog 1 plus Asus's proactive approach to their devices now
Btw previous zentalk was cancer,this one is a lot better imo

Rising Star II

Support isn't dead for Rog 1 tho right?

Release note states that it got an update in may recently

No android 10 is a bummer but atleast it got the Zen UI 6 skin with pie update (there was a time when articles stated it'll be stuck on Oreo forever)

Considering the current schedule, Rog 1 gets a update like every 2 months (not too bad imo)

Plus as far as Rog 2 is concerned I'm pretty affirmative that it'll get android 11 as it has a large community, developer support, much better softwaresupport compared to Rog 1 plus Asus's proactive approach to their devices now

Btw previous zentalk was cancer,this one is a lot better imo

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ROG Phone 2 might get Android 11. But they'll have to wait another year for that. You know how lazy the developers are at Asus. They take their own sweet time to release an update with bugs.