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Game keymapping profiles for desktop dock?

Star III
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Hey Guys, So somehow managed to connect the desktop dock to my ROG phone. Tryiong to kepmap pubg mobile but seems difficult. I see an option to download game profile in armour crate but it says no profile available. Is is possible to download profiles? The current keymapping I have made really sucks!

Zen Master I
Hi Rog2user, Thanks for reaching out to us. For inquiries on ROG Phone 2, you are welcome to post a thread in the ROG Phone 2 section here: Thank you and have a nice day 🙂

Star III
Jei_ASUS posted on 2019/11/25 15:59 Hi Rog2user, Thanks for reaching out to us.
Jei Asus. I mentioned Rog phone in my post. I have both ROG1 and ROG 2 phones. Request you to please delete your comment, and let someone respond to my post.

Zen Master I
Last edited by Jei_ASUS on 2019/11/27 13:32
Rog2user posted on 2019/11/26 12:24 Jei Asus. I mentioned Rog phone in my post. I have both ROG1 and ROG 2 phones. Request you to plea ...
Hi Rog2user, Sorry for our misunderstanding. Are you trying to download the keymapping settings (or Game profile?) set up from another device and share them with ROG Phone 1 using Armoury Crate? Could you tell us what device this game profile was set up from? Did you download Armoury Crate on ROG Phone 1 from Play store? Could you help us provide a screenshot of the error message? Thanks for your help 🙂