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Why there probably won't be an Android 11 version anytime soon

Hall of Fame I
Guys I know you don't know this, but have you seen the state of the Rog5? There is no way they can let that phone stay like it is. That thing is absolutely unusuable at this point.
Maybe ASUS should hire more devs, I feel they are severely understaffed in that region.


Rising Star II
Because Asus wants to sell you new phones. And, to do that, they will never give major Android updates to force us to buy their new flagships.
I switched to another brand and don't regret. Already on A11 months ago and the promise to have A12 (which they will deliver).

Hall of Fame I

Because Asus wants to sell you new phones. And, to do that, they will never give major Android updates to force us to buy their new flagships.

I switched to another brand and don't regret. Already on A11 months ago and the promise to have A12 (which they will deliver).

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if that logic would apply the zenfones wouldnt have A11 and A12 beta.

Zen Master II
I agree rog 5 is a crap
They should focus to fix it before give a11 to rog 2