11-23-2019 08:21 AM
12-02-2019 02:04 AM
manishiskillredAfaik android 10 brought proper controller support so wait for it imoPS4 controller paired and connected with Bluetooth but it does nothing.. no response.. tried in game,in andoid menu...
Controller works with other phones instantly but on this phone no response after connect.. stupid rog 2
12-03-2019 11:22 AM
12-12-2019 04:36 AM
12-12-2019 04:43 AM
12-21-2019 04:45 PM
Anders_ASUSany idea about when will the update will come? I just got Rog phone II last night and a bit disappointing that it doesn't support dual shock 4.You have to wait for Android Q. The PS4 controller works with ZenFone 6 so I can assure you it will work with ROG Phone II after the update.
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