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Now time has come, #nomorerog

Rising Star I
No more rog phones suggested , no wifi calling feature for most networks, no security updates, no software updates, no self service centers, nothing but a fake gaming experience , take a bow asus for you software team, just showing some specs with two triggers and faking all other things, we could compare it with cheaper companies who are doing much better than asus, but i wont , i thought its reputation of laptops did carried through these gaming phones but they are using the gaming laptops reputation to get their days passed , but surely it will be the end of the era of rog phones if they continue treating the customers the same manner, no matter what brand you may be , you need the trust of customers,, orelse just go shut down your factory,
No official cases available for rog2 yet, after these many years , joke? Thats it no more rog #nomorerog will be trending in future


Community Legend I

18 months not enough to complete the Airtel #Vowifi project? (Is it a project really?)

"Fan boy moment"

Asus favourite phrases

"In works",

"Will be available as soon as it's ready",

"ROG is a gaming phone don't expect top tier company level of commitment"

"We are a small company"

lol 😆

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18 months of testing is not enough. Only simple minds think it is easy and quick to do. In addition, you have this pandemic and when testing, you need to be at different environment settings. The land mass of India is not exactly small either and this is clearly proven on here as some complaining how far a service centre is.
So yeah, it shows how much you know.

Star III

18 months of testing is not enough. Only simple minds think it is easy and quick to do. In addition, you have this pandemic and when testing, you need to be at different environment settings. The land mass of India is not exactly small either and this is clearly proven on here as some complaining how far a service centre is.

So yeah, it shows how much you know.

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My take away from your statement "18 months is not enough for enabling Vowifi". Period

Community Legend I

My take away from your statement "18 months is not enough for enabling Vowifi". Period

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Still not getting the point do you?
Enabling is easy as this functionality is already in the phone like Jio is.
The time is in testing to ensure it works, and works at the right time. Otherwise, there will be legal reprucussions for manufacturers if it doesnt work such as in emergency cases.

Rising Star I

Still not getting the point do you?

Enabling is easy as this functionality is already in the phone like Jio is.

The time is in testing to ensure it works, and works at the right time. Otherwise, there will be legal reprucussions for manufacturers if it doesnt work such as in emergency cases.

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Open any thread, you are always ready to make comments on issues posted by users as a Asus spokesperson. ARE YOU GETTING SOMETHING FREE ?? Please let's me know, we will join the Asus brigade.

Rising Star II

Here we go again lol

Yeah, and you still don't understand that Airtel VoWifi/VOLTE/ViLTE is still under testing like @ARP_ASUS has gladly said to you. He also mentioned it is working for some region. I don't know whether you work or not or just a student or maybe retired, I'm sure you know project work don't go to plan. Furthermore, moderators mainly ARP_ASUS has said updates will be provided when it's ready. I would prefer them giving out proper updates rather than an update just for you.

Also I don't think not having clarity/official revert om android Update policy can be discounted because of "device is complicated". I mean you could have upfront put a statement saying there will be only one update.

Again, if you did your research as to your security update comment and OS updates for ROG, I was expecting delays and never assumed I would get the updates. For this matter, you could have well pretty well done some research rather than a company stating you will get one updates. Never works like that, a company telling you their downside when selling phones. Go and search on YouTube for when phones get honest advertisements.

Have you even worked on Androids before? I mean like working on C side of things? Not like the thing you get on IDEs where you drag and drop lol. You are playing down the hard work developers do in order to get these devices working.

And to the OP, the shoulder/air triggers is not for show. It works. I bet your OnePlus/Samsung device doesn't do that.

By the way @ImShrey, how is the legal action going?

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You read that 1st paragraph yourself. It's real fanboy moment.
I can list many brands, even asus's own laptop division having better documented device support plan.
Also I guess infinixes, xolos and tecnos are really investing 1-1.5 years to get voWiFi working technically and "contractually" with Airtel for their 5-10k INR phones. That too before the phone launches mostly. And here we have asus who is half baking and releasing it in 2021 for a phone which was planned since 2019, and Costs like 5-10times more.

"I don't know whether you work or not or just a student or maybe retired, I'm sure you know project work don't go to plan." : I mean you can check who is active how much on this forum. Who is mindlessly defending some brand in every single thread, and you will know who is working and who is not.

Okay The C?
Lets get some lessons shall we?
Mostly, in general, while in SDLC we have sprints planned. We have pipelines and workflows through which product in question, wiz say firmware, gets worked and examined by various stakeholders, BAs, Architects, Devs, QAs, Testers etc.
All sprints have either bugs/epics/user stories, though considering asus's track record on rog 2, we only have bugs, and few epics/featues like voWiFi.
In each sprint, bugs and epics get added. Ideally these should be finished by the end of each sprint.
By finished I mean go through that whole pipeline, from BA to Testers. After which it would get released as an OTA update.
This closes old sprint and starts a new one.

Issue with asus is many bugs and epics/features are pending and delayed across multiple sprints. Though I can't predict but a Sprint for Asus could be something like 'Bimonthly', a period between 2 OTAs.
And yet, bugs reported in one sprint get fixed in 2-3th sprint. To what it's worth, it gets identified in the same og sprint (As anders and other guys revert in PM).
Missing sprint targets repeatedly is such terrible software development industry. People loose jobs because of it.
Now your argument: "they need testing time". Okay but being in pipeline, testing comes under a sprint itself. So it should adehere to the same deadlines. If it's not possible? Generally Project managers allocate more resources to such issues.
Also I don see asus running UAT too. I have found many bugs which are claimed to be fixed in OTA changelog but in reality they aren't fixed yet. We had to rereport them. So much months long test huh?😂
(I heard there are like 1 or at most 3 guys working as testers for rog 2🤦‍:male_sign:).

Also delays due to holidays?
In all major enterprises, everything is planned ahead of the time. At least you hire that much competent product managers. Sprints are paced around major holidays so that there are no unnecessary delays. But here we got update delayed by more than a month and a half. It almost sneaked 2 sprints for a release.

Fact: Asus's development team to it very core must be missing sprint goals consistently, you can't ignore that.
Be how much complicated product be, you as a product owner had all the information and data exposed to you before hand, you set release cycle to 2 months, there by already giving 2-3times longer sprint duration than industry normal. Plus you have all the resources at your disposal to get those goals met in defined deadlines.
Not able to do it is just plain incompetent product management.
School is over, bye bye.