12-04-2019 10:28 AM
12-04-2019 04:14 PM
12-04-2019 04:19 PM
12-04-2019 05:24 PM
jetjosh92Study the link in my previous post and you will understand why keeping you battery at a higher charge level is not beneficial for the battery life cycle.I don't know much about batteries to be honest, I read a lot of articles and watch videos but when I check the dates the articles were written like 4 years or 2 years ago and the videos too. Telling me to keep the battery at 40% to 80% or even 65% to 75% but the thing is technology is rapidly changing so I am not sure if those articles or videos are even relevant anymore.
Currently I am keeping my phone at 85% to 100% of course my eyes are glued on the phone because once it hits 100% I stop charging immediately and just use the phone until the next charge.
Not sure if I am doing it right. some of you might probably say...I am digging my phone's battery grave way too early...
But my phone is not hot at all when I keep it 85% to 100% when charging...compared to when I charge it from say 60% to 80%...
so can someone who is expert on this shed some light for me ? oh yea my battery temp while charging from 85% to 100% is 28.7 degrees Celsius.
The rules I have only created for myself to keep the batteries cool even while charging it and to stop charging immediately after it reaches 100%
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12-04-2019 05:59 PM
julienvd93What does DOD and SOC stand for?A large DOD and SOC of 100% is much more damaging compared to "fast charging".
Read this:https://batteryuniversity.com/learn/article/how_to_prolong_lithium_based_batteries
You can use the built-in powermaster feature to stop your phone from charging over 80% and extend the life cycle of the battery significantly.
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12-04-2019 06:01 PM
gonzaaa.92depth of discharge and State of chargehttps://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/32330#Comment_32330
What does DOD and SOC stand for?
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