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Call of Dutty mobile trava em Batle Royal

Star I
Boas pessoal, comprei o ASUS ROG Phone 2 de preposito para jogar Call of Dutty mobile por ser um telefone gaming mas em Batle Royal o jogo está constantemente a travar a imagem, já reportei os erros várias vezes no site do Call of Dutty mas até agora nada foi feito nem me respondem. Será que o telefone não e o mais apropriado? Vão sair correções? Ou devo mesmo trocar de telefone por um Samsung ou iPhone? Tenho um amigo que acontecia o mesmo com um Xiaomi mas acabou por ser corrigido o problema. Que devo fazer?Ajudem-me por favor obrigado.

Hall of Fame III
There's nothing we can do about this. If you google you will see that other phone brands have the same issue.

Star I
this is not completely true i have friends of mine with samsung and iphone and it doesn't happen, now other brands i don't know ...

Rising Star II
this is not completely true i have friends of mine with samsung and iphone and it doesn't happen, now other brands i don't know ...

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Exclude the iPhones from the equation since they run under a completely different platform (iOS != Android). On the other hand, there may also be a lot of cases (rather than phones, because a lot of Samsung users are experiencing this issue) where the user doesn't experience any issue playing COD: Mobile in A10. Let me share you 2 links where you'll read people that are on the same situation as you are:
Activision AcesBlack Screen in Call Of Duty Mobile :exclamation_question_mark:If you have multiple phone models of different brands experiencing exactly the same issue in almost the same circumstances (with A10), it means that theres something wrong with COD: Mobile and A10.

Star I
ok I'm going to buy an iPhone I don't know what else to do ...