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Android update automatically

Star III
Any1 got fota automatically...not manually?

Rising Star II

Good decision! I am doing the factory reset tomorrow. This manual update was too much trouble.

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Yeah, I felt ASUS got pressured and prematurely released A10. In any case sorry to hear that buddy, I hope you get yours sorted out.

Star III

Yep, also seeing how many bug reports for A10 are I'm glad I did not jump on the bandwagon. Probably will hold off upgrading till the next FOTA as A9 for the most part has served me well.

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That's why not upgrading manually.. If they push on my phone then Ok.. No need to hurry. If can wait for 3 month add 1 month more in wait. Less bug is better then many bugs and i am also very happy with A9 experience.

Star III

Yeah, I felt ASUS got pressured and prematurely released A10. In any case sorry to hear that buddy, I hope you get yours sorted out.

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Lol. Exactly. People kept screaming over and over again "I want my update now! REEEEE" (can identify at least one poster here) after update is out, "Why so many bugs?!!"
Can't ever satisfy entitled people I tell you.

Rising Star II

That's why not upgrading manually.. If they push on my phone then Ok.. No need to hurry. If can wait for 3 month add 1 month more in wait. Less bug is better then many bugs and i am also very happy with A9 experience.

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I am also not in hurry and I believe that there's no need for manual update. Just one question brother, is FOTA going to be different than manual one because as I have heard from people that it is the same thing, so how FOTA is not going to have the same bugs as manual one.
And if they are same that means FOTA updates will also have the same issue. Then should I consider not upgrading. My main reason to update is red tint issue. Also Asus has not specified the exact improvements we'll be getting in A10 nor I see anybody talking about that so I think updating to A10 doesn't make much sense does it.

Star III

I am also not in hurry and I believe that there's no need for manual update. Just one question brother, is FOTA going to be different than manual one because as I have heard from people that it is the same thing, so how FOTA is not going to have the same bugs as manual one.

And if they are same that means FOTA updates will also have the same issue. Then should I consider not upgrading. My main reason to update is red tint issue. Also Asus has not specified the exact improvements we'll be getting in A10 nor I see anybody talking about that so I think updating to A10 doesn't make much sense does it.

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It's same. BT updating manual is depend on u if u need now can update.. BT good to update automatically.. Like not everyone get same bug in their phone as other. So its must be better experience in auto because then after updating manually u don't need to clear cache and then delete the file. Its not big thing BT still make user experience bad. People expect good user experience. Not everyone want to do manual update. So for me its good to wait.. And i dont know abt red titn issue.. BT some people saying they make software to look more black so they can hide red tint issue. BT i dont know its true or just fake.