a month ago
I updated to the latest firmware and regretted it. Funny thing happened.
Simcard A (currently in my Rog7 ultimate), 5g, 4g not even 2g is present at all, checked the sim status, nothing. Tried doing a reset on network and simcard, nothing. Restarted, factory reset whatever the trouble shoot was suggested by the tech team, nothing works. What's funny is, Simcard A works on my other phone. I tried using Simcard B on my Rog7 and somehow it works for the data. So hey i thought it must be my service provider. I went to my service provider, tried to reset, nothing. Replaced to a new simcard of the same phone number, guess what? doesn't work as well. So what the heck? I am not sure whether its because of the latest update or because of my service provider and it's that specific Simcard A phone number only.
a month ago
I have the same problem
a month ago
Then i am not the only one, im sorry to hear about you experiencing the same situation. I contacted their support staff, they want me to send to the service center in which my country do not have. Obviously now I am not the only one meaning that it isn't any internal component issue.
a month ago
Which Mobile Network SIM Card is it?
I was about to update but paused after seeing this.
a month ago
I'm from SEA, so its definitely different. Don't go for the update yet